1. The biggest hindrance on my creativity: working full time. Don't get me wrong, working is vital in order to keep up with my expensive hobbies, but it takes up my daily allotment of time and brain activity.
2. I've been meaning to put up a new detailed/wordy type of blog post since I left school in May, but living with my parents/work is not doing much good for my productivity. Or my diet.
3. Sometimes I wish that I had more friends like me, or friends who share the same interests, style, etc. but then I remember that I'm a pretty freakin' rad individual and I'm proud of my originality.
4. I don't know if this is 6th grade me or my guilty pleasures speaking, but I can't stop listening to the most recent Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco albums.
5. I really want sushi. I haven't had sushi in at least one month. This is vital.
6. I am literally counting down the days until my Eurotrip, it can't come any sooner! But I am a little worried about the whole "50-pound-MAX-suitcase-weight-limit" thing.
7. I've started working out. Yes, me. No, Jenna hasn't been abducted by aliens and this isn't just some soul-stealing monster taking her place. I'm actually beginning to enjoy working out (okay that's a lie, but my new bum ain't half bad).
8. I NEED a pair of taupe/nude-colored minimal lace-up gladiator sandals. Preferably under $650. This is sarcasm. I need them under $40.
9. I also need to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter A$AP Rocky. I'm having Butterbeer withdrawals. Also, I found out they're holding an open casting call for actresses to star in Fantastic Beasts. I also found out that they need to be 10 years old. I am not happy, Jo.
10. I'll probably write again in about a month, who knows. Stay tuned.